2024-2025 HSA Executive Board

                    President                          Nicole Charpentier               ees.hsapresident@gmail.com    

                    Vice President                     Carla Davidson                  carla.davidson13@gmail.com

                    Secretary                             Heather Beissel                hsaevans@gmail.com
                    Treasurer                             Gina Murphy                     ees.hsatreasurer@gmail.com
                    Principal                              Jacqueline Havrilla            jhavr@spring-ford.net
                    Teacher Liaison                    Crystal Smith                    csmit@spring-ford.net

                     Vice President-Elect              Alyssa Ness

​                    ​​

Our Mission

Join the Evans Home & School Association (HSA)!

Family Membership is $10 per school year  

At the beginning of each school year, we ask all Evans Families to consider joining the Home & School Association for a fee of $10 per family. A Membership allows parents/guardians the opportunity to volunteer for HSA Executive Board positions, chair various committees, and vote in annual elections & budget proposals.  With this membership donation, we are able to start our fundraising efforts for the year! We cannot support Evans with special events, field trips, assemblies, etc. without your support! (Membership is optional and in no way affects your ability to volunteer at Evans or at HSA sponsored events)

To pay HSA Dues, visit:
Family Membership - Evans Home & School Association 2023/2024 (square.site)

The Evans Home & School Association (known as the "HSA") is a registered non-profit organization consisting of parents & guardians (working together with teachers, staff & administration) to support our students throughout the school year.

The primary goal of the HSA is to enhance each child's experience during their time at Evans! 

To achieve that goal, the HSA organizes volunteer efforts, coordinates fundraising events & provides additional social, educational & community-based opportunities for students & their families.

Together with our teachers, we believe that school involvement, volunteerism and school pride will enrich our children, help them learn the value of teamwork & teach them the life-long importance of community spirit.

 Volunteer Information 2024-2025

​​​​​​​​Find us on Facebook!

​Evans Elementary

Home & School Association

Evans Home & School Association

2024-2024 General Membership Meeting Dates

September 10th, November 12th, January 14th, March 11th, May 21st

All General membership meetings take place in the Evans Elementary Library at 7 pm.

The objective of this organization is to provide communication and understanding between families, faculty and administration at Evans Elementary School. We intend to encourage parents and teachers to cooperate in the education of the child.

We also facilitate efforts to provide adequate social, physical, and educational materials and programs; to meet and enhance the students’ educational experience, and to raise and maintain community interest in the educative processes at Evans Elementary School.

To view our Constitution & By Laws, please CLICK HERE.

​* All H&SA events follow the Spring-Ford Elementary School Code of Conduct, including the Spring-Ford Board policy code
128 on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion * For more information click

If you plan on coming into the school this year (during school hours), whether it's to volunteer, chaperone field trips, help teachers during a holiday party, or participate in Field Day, you MUST have clearances on file with the SFASD district office.

Step 1: Visit Spring-Ford Volunteer Page for details on how to submit clearances. (This has to be done once every 5 years). Once clearances are submitted, please note that it can take 2 weeks to process, so please complete these as soon as possible! For a Cheat-Sheet of what information is required, please CLICK HERE.

Step 2: Complete a yearly survey via Raptor Volunteer Management.

Questions can be sent to volunteerclearances@spring-ford.net
Visit the
Spring-Ford Volunteer Page for more information.